Blue Bag Project
It has been increasingly reported that as many as 1/3 of young people who menstruate struggle to access or afford sanitary products. We want to end period poverty in Cambourne by providing free access to sanitary products for young people who need them, in a way that is easy and discreet.
Thanks to funding from In Kind Direct, Cambridgeshire County Council's Community Reach Fund and Bellway Homes, we were able to launch the Blue Bag Project, in 2021, providing free sanitary products to young people in Cambourne.
The project continues, and is now sustained by the local community, including donation points in local supermarkets (e.g. Waitrose in Trumpington),
Any young person can ask one of our youth workers at the Cambourne Soul youth building for a Blue Bag, and be given a bag with no questions asked.
Each Blue Bag also contains an information leaflet, helping young people understand different period products.