1:1 Support
As we meet with young people through our activities and hear their stories, we become aware of some of the challenges that they face as they go through adolescence.
A lot of our support is provided through a listening ear and advice and guidance which is offered in the context of our regular programme, but sometimes a young person will need additional support to overcome the challenges they are facing.
This can be related to school, family circumstances, mental health, relationships or a number of other areas. As we build positive relationships with young people, we are able to offer 1:1 or small group support for those who will benefit from a particular intervention.
This is arranged in a way that works best for the young person and can be in consultation with their school, family or other services which are also supporting them.
If you are a young person, or know of a young person, in Cambourne who is struggling and would like some support, you can get in touch with us via our contact page or on social media.