About Us

Cambourne Youth Partnership works alongside Romsey Mill to deliver youth work activities and support within Cambourne.
Cambourne Youth Partnership (CYP)
CYP is a grassroots charity that supports all aspects of working with young people in Cambourne from all cultures and backgrounds. We work in partnership with other organisations and individuals who provide services for young people in Cambourne. We aim to provide activities for young people in a safe, healthy and welcoming environment, promote activities which are inclusive to people with different abilities and provide young people with information and advice on careers, health and further education.
Romsey Mill
Romsey Mill is a charity committed to overcoming disadvantage, challenging injustice and promoting social inclusion with young people, children and families. We work with over 2,000 individuals and families each year, including: young mothers and fathers; young people who may be facing challenge in their lives or experiencing disadvantage; young people struggling to engage fully with education; families with pre-school children; and autistic children and young people (between the ages of 9 and 19).
Romsey Mill's work is long term, relational and needs-led; working with participants to develop their skills and to enable their progress towards training, work and positive involvement in the community. In Cambourne, Romsey Mill partners with CYP to deliver open-access and targeted youth work, on the streets, in schools and at the Cambourne Soul youth centre.
Find out more about
Romsey Mill.
The work of CYP is also supported by
Cambourne Town Council.